Thank you for your interest in Son of a Saint. We know it can be hard for a single mom to raise a boy.

Son of a Saint accepts young men who have reached age 10–12 during the timeframe of the application cycle or at the time of joining the organization. These mentees remain connected to the program until early adulthood.

Son of a Saint accepts young men who have lost a father due to death; long-term incarceration of 15 years or more left to serve, that can be verified; adoption by a single mother; or a young man whose father has been deported.

Due to limited resources, Son of a Saint is unable to accept all mentee applicants and selects new mentees according to a set of carefully constructed criteria that account for a mentee’s need for our services. Son of a Saint does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), national origin (ancestry), disability, or socio-economic background, in any of its selection processes.

Please take a moment to read and review our Mentee Application FAQs for more information.


Step into the shoes of a mentee and witness the profound impact of our program. Explore the stories of discovery, mentorship, and empowerment that define our mission.

Take a closer look inside Son of a Saint!